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Reading Series Census: Franklin Electric Reading Series

By on Monday, May 16th, 2016 at 9:04 am

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.

What is the name of the series, and what is the significance or meaning of the series name?
Our series is called Franklin Electric Reading Series and takes its name from the co-working space it’s held in, Franklin Electric.

Who founded the series, and who runs it now?
The founders are Jordan Bolden, Will Frazier, Victoria Kornick, Jessica Marion Modi, all of whom still run the series.

What genres or mediums does the series include?
Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction.

What is the format of the series?
We host 4 to 6 readers each month.

Where does the series take place?
At Franklin Electric, a coworking space at 650 Franklin Ave.

When and how often is the series performed (and is it seasonal)?
It’s a monthly reading series. It usually takes place on the second Thursday of the month.

How long has the series been active?
Since February 2016

Where can people find information about series on the web?

Do you take submissions, solicit material, or a combination?
We welcome submissions and solicit readers as well. We put together our events based on genres, themes, or communities of writers, and some events are reader-curated.

Did you set out with specific goals when the series was launched and have they changed over time?
Our goal is to keep the series as diverse and autonomous as possible. We welcome writers to read with their collaborators and peers as a way for them to participate more fully and bring new voices into the space. We also want our series to reflect the community, so we value readers with ties to Crown Heights.

What distinguishes the series from others?
We accept submissions on a rolling basis every season, so that we are able to accommodate as much of the work we believe in as possible. Also there is free beer & cheese.

The next Franklin Electric Reading Series is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 26, 2016 at Work Heights (650 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn) and features Laura Cresté, Linda Harris Dolan, Caroline Rayner, and Kem Joy Ukwu.



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