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Ishmael Beah Reads Radiance of Tomorrow, with Dinaw Mengestu


Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 | 4,004 views

Ishmael Beah reads from his new novel Radiance of Tomorrow at Greenlight Bookstore

Ishmael Beah’s previous book, the 2007 memoir A Long Way Gone, examined the life of child soldiers in Sierra Leone’s civil war. Beah’s new book, the novel Radiance of Tomorrow, explores the aftermath of war as people return to their homes and rebuild their lives. Beah read from the novel at Greenlight Bookstore where he was joined by Dinaw Mengestu in conversation. Mengestu is an Ethiopian born, American novelist. His novel, All Our Names is forthcoming in March, and is the author of three other books.

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Rachel Cantor Reads Her Debut Novel, A Highly Unlikely Scenario, With Hannah Tinti


Thursday, January 16th, 2014 | 6,450 views

Rachel Cantor reads from her new novel a Highly Unlikely Scenario

Rachel Cantor sends readers into a near future controlled by fast food corporations with her debut novel A Highly Unlikely Scenario: Or, A Neetsa Pizza Employee’s Guide to Saving the World. Cantor celebrated the release of the novel at Greenlight Bookstore along Hannah Tinti, co-founder and editor of the single story per issue journal One Story.

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Mitchell S. Jackson Reads The Residue Years


Thursday, August 22nd, 2013 | 4,253 views

Mitchell S. Jackson reads from his new novel, not a memoir, The Residue Years, at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn

The Residue Years, the debut novel by Mitchell S. Jackson, has been promoted as a fictionalized account of his time growing up as a black man in predominantly white Portland, Oregon. Jackson, celebrating the launch at Greenlight Bookstore, dispels the notion that he wrote a memoir. Its purely fiction. Later he’ll explain why: “I didn’t want anybody to catch any cases.”

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Paul Yoon Reads Snow Hunters at Greenlight Bookstore


Thursday, August 8th, 2013 | 5,725 views

Paul Yoon reads from his first novel, Snow Hunters, at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn

Paul Yoon’s debut novel, Snow Hunters, began when he had been researching Korean history while writing his acclaimed short story collection, Once The Shores. He begins the reading by explaining that while in the process of researching a story in the collection, he came across a tidbit about Korean soldiers after the Korean conflict ended. A group of North Koreans decided to immigrate to Brazil rather than return north after the war.

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