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Notes on Poetry in the First Year Abroad


Monday, December 8th, 2014 | 4,488 views

PHOTO COURTESY ERIK KENNEDY The image  is of a transformer in Heathcote painted by a local artist named Paul Deans with a scene of an early Cantabrian settler (that's the demonym for a person from Christchurch) and some native birds and flora. Get it? A man in a strange new land?

‘Perhaps to be in between two places, to be at home in neither, is the inevitable fallen state, almost as natural as being at home in one place.’ —James Wood

When I was thirteen, in the summer of 1994, the fragments of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 slammed into Jupiter over the course of a week. Like a lot of young anoraks, I was excited by this. A world vastly bigger than my own, subject to forces I could barely comprehend, and then only by comparison with terrestrial examples (x tons of TNT, y number of Hiroshimas): that’s the stuff! I knew that what I was seeing was important for science, but it was not directly relevant. The explosions in the atmosphere of Jupiter were exquisite and amazing, but, importantly, the explosions there had nothing to do with me. I didn’t live there. I could relax as I watched.

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Impressions of Berl’s Brooklyn Poetry Shop + Eric Amling and Nate Klug


Monday, November 11th, 2013 | 6,843 views

Berl's Poetry shop, Photo by Erik Kennedy

Berl’s Brooklyn Poetry Shop, one of the only all-poetry book shops in the nation—nay, the world!—had its triumphant grand opening a weekend ago. The day was full of cheer, liquid cheer, fellowship, books and chapbooks, and some two dozen readings. Everyone went home happy and fulfilled.

But I missed that. This is not about that.

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