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Adam Sternbergh Reads His Debut Novel, Shovel Ready


Friday, January 17th, 2014 | 5,094 views

Shovel Ready, the debut novel by Adam Sternbergh, is set in a future dystopian New York City featuring a trash collecting, hitman protagonist. BookCourt celebrated the release of his book by hosting Sternbergh for a reading. Sternbergh is the culture editor for the New York Times magazine and a former editor at New York Magazine.

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Amy Grace Loyd Reads BookCourt


Thursday, September 5th, 2013 | 3,995 views

Amy Grace Loyd knows fiction. She spent years editing fiction at Playboy and currently is an editor at Byliner, the digital story service The Atlantic called the Pandora of reading. Now Loyd is promoting her debut novel, The Affairs of Others. The audience at BookCourt filled with writers, editors, and essayists, all of whom Loyd […]

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Jessica Lott Reads The Rest of Us at BookCourt


Wednesday, July 10th, 2013 | 3,603 views

Jessica Lott reads from her new book, The Rest of Us at BookCourt in downtown Brooklyn

Eight years ago, on her thirtieth birthday, Jessica Lott began writing her debut novel, The Rest of Us. In the interim years she has written a novella and became an art critic and essayist.

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