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Elif Batuman discusses The Idiot with Michael Cunningham


Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 | 4,725 views

Elif Batuman reads THE IDIOT at McNally Jackson Books

Elif Batuman discusses her debut novel The Idiot, the difference between objective and subjective writing, and the importance of editing.

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Michael Cunningham reads A Wild Swan


Friday, December 18th, 2015 | 10,895 views

Michael Cunningham reads A WILD SWAN at BookCourt

Michael Cunningham read from his latest book, A Wild Swan, a collection of short stories at BookCourt in Brooklyn. He brought him his friend and musician Billy Hough.

The story collection pulls from classic fairy tales, though all with modern twists. The idea originated in Cunningham’s childhood when his parents would read to him. He describes himself as a junkie for stories as kid.

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