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Trapped In History


Monday, November 28th, 2016 | 5,006 views

Roberto Garcia

“People are trapped in history and history is trapped inside them.”
—James Baldwin, “Stranger in the Village”

On a recent trip to the Canary Islands I was reminded that none of the languages I speak are native to me. The flight departed from JFK in New York City, would arrive at Madrid, Spain, and connect to a shorter flight that would ultimately land in Tenerife, Canary Islands. A few hours into the flight I asked the flight attendant for two whiskeys. I can never sleep on a plane and since this was a red-eye I figured a couple of drinks might help. I asked for the drinks in Spanish and his surprise was evident. His expression changed for an instant. Almost as if he questioned the reality of what was happening. A part of me can understand that, but another part of me can’t. Part of me thinks he should be used to Latinos by now. That his experience as a flight attendant dealing with countless passengers from across the Latino diaspora would have educated him on enough of our differences as to not be taken off guard by me. Then I got to thinking about language.

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Mila Jaroniec Launched Plastic Vodka Bottle Sleepover with Chloe Caldwell


Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016 | 4,797 views

Mila Jaroniec reads PLASTIC VODKA BOTTLE SLEEPOVER at POwerhouse Books in Brooklyn

Mila Jaroniec was back in Brooklyn last week for the launch of her debut novel Plastic Vodka Bottle Sleepover. The novel employs a fractured story about an unnamed female narrator. Jaroniec spoke with Chloe Caldwell, author of the essay collection I’ll You in Person, at Powerhouse Books.

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Schrodinger’s Racists


Monday, November 21st, 2016 | 6,963 views

The first time it happened, I was in the first grade. My family is Catholic, and on Sundays we attended mass. Afterwards, I went to my CCD class—religious education, for the non-Catholics—for an hour. In each class, we read a Bible passage and discussed its meaning and waited impatiently to run into the hall to get cookies afterwards.

One Sunday, I was the last child packing my bag at the end of class. My teacher sat at her desk. Apropos of nothing, she said, “My brother was killed in Vietnam.”

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Sonya Chung Discussed The Loved Ones With Camille Bromley


Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 | 4,933 views

Sonya Chung discusses THE LOVED ONES with Camille Bromley of Harpers at BookCulture in Manhattan

Sonya Chung was at BookCulture in Manhattan to discuss her novel The Loved Ones with Harper’s magazine editor Camille Bromley. The Loved Ones is Chung’s second novel published through independent press Relegation Books.

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Brit Bennett Discusses The Mothers with Angela Flournoy


Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016 | 3,878 views

Britt Bennett and Angela Flournoy discuss THE MOTHERS at Greenlight Bookstore in Brooklyn

Britt Bennett discussed her debut novel, The Mothers, about a young girl dealing with recent suicide of her mother. She was joined at Greenlight Bookstore by Angela Flournoy, author of The Turner House.

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