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Nell Zink Reads Mislaid


Friday, May 22nd, 2015 | 7,698 views

Nell Zink reads from her new novel Mislaid at Community Bookstore in Brooklyn, New York

Nell Zink flutters into a room. She is mesmerizing. She exudes an energy of curiosity interested in observing and experiencing the place around her rather than the performance of reading her book. A bouquet of flowers arrives for her at the store. She says they are from a friend who she has not seen since 1989, a florist in Florida now. Their arrival is symptomatic of the life of Nell Zink; she collects people on a journey that seems forever incomplete.

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Nell Zink Reads Debut The Wallcreeper with Jonathan Franzen


Monday, October 20th, 2014 | 7,336 views

Nell Zink reads from her new book The Wallcreepr

Four years ago, Nell Zink wrote an email to Jonathan Franzen. Franzen responded, and soon they found themselves enthralled with a long distance email correspondence. Franzen is the reason Nell Zink is at McNally Jackson Books releasing her debut novel. He convinced her to turn her writings into a manuscript, The Wallcreepers, and to try and have it published.

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