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Chana Porter Launches The Seep


Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020 | 3,349 views

Amy Brady Talks with Chana Porter about THE SEEP at Powerhouse

Chana Porter discusses The Seep and talks about dystopias, utopias, and our interconnected world.

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Reading Series Census: Books & Bottles


Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 | 2,637 views

Reading Series Census

Everything you need to know about the Books & Bottles reading series.

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Literary and Book Festivals Guide, 2020


Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 | 3,737 views

Book Festivals of America 2020

Book and literary festivals connect authors with readers in all fifty states. Below is a list of literary festivals organized by month. The locations of the festival, dates of the festivals (when available), and website for the event are listed. At the end are links to festivals in other regions including Canada, United Kingdom, and Europe.

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Courtney Maum Explains What to Do Before And After The Book Deal


Friday, January 10th, 2020 | 2,828 views

Courtney Maum, author of Before and After the Book Deal, and panelists Jenn Baker, Hannah Tinti, and Monica Odom at Powerhouse Books in Brooklyn

Courtney Maum was at Brooklyn’s Powerhouse bookstore to celebrate the launch of her fourth book, Before And After The Book Deal, a guide helping writers navigate the perils and challenges of the publishing process. Maum is the author of the novels I Am Having So Much Fun Here Without You, Touch, and Costalegre. She was joined by Ryan Chapman, Monica Odom, Jenn Baker, and Hannah Tinti as well as the non-profit organization Girls Write Now, an organization dedicated to helping mentor underserved young women find their voices through the power of writing and community.

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Leland Cheuk Presents No Good Very Bad Asian


Monday, October 7th, 2019 | 2,929 views

Leland Cheuk present NO GOOD VERY BAD ASIAN at WORD Bookstore in Brooklyn

Leland Cheuk discussed his new novel No Good Very Bad Asian, talked about standup comedy, and the hardest part about writing comedy is often knowing when to be serious.

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Téa Obreht Reads Inland


Wednesday, September 4th, 2019 | 3,137 views

Téa Obreht Reads Inland

How does a novelist follow a critically acclaimed debut novel? Since publishing The Tiger’s Wife, Téa Obreht wrote and threw away two whole novels. Disconnected from the narratives, she didn’t feel they books answered any new questions. That all changed when she heard a history podcast about the American Camel Corps. From the moment she started writing Inland she felt connected to the story.

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Reading Series Census: The Renegade Reading Series


Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 | 3,182 views

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.


What genres or mediums does the series include?
Fiction, poetry, essay, spoken word. One time there was a song.

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Reading Series Census: Pershing Fields Garden Friends Benefit Reading


Thursday, March 14th, 2019 | 3,674 views

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.


What is the name of the series, and what is the significance or meaning of the series name?
Pershing Fields Garden Friends Benefit Reading

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