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Reading Series Census: The Angry Reading


Thursday, September 27th, 2018 | 4,500 views

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.


What is the name of the series, and what is the significance or meaning of the series name?
We are “An Angry Reading Series.” We wanted to put together a reading series that could be a space for impassioned, evocative pieces of work, centred around the theme of anger and frustration. This is a very political time in the world, and we wanted to be a literary platform where writers could come, share their work, and heal through a supportive community. And because we believe in saying it like it is, we didn’t want to play around with the name too much. So we went literal.

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Reading Series Census: Same Page


Monday, July 2nd, 2018 | 4,856 views

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.


What is the name of the series, and what is the significance or meaning of the series name?
The series is called Same Page after the colloquialism “We’re on the same page,” both because it indicates the ethos of the series is for like-minded people who are exciting about all forms of the written word, and because the two founders had the idea for it at the same time.

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Rumaan Alam Talked with Emma Straub about That Kind of Mother


Tuesday, June 19th, 2018 | 6,181 views

Rumaan Alam and Emma Straub discuss THAT KIND OF MOTHER at Books Are Magic in Brooklyn

Rumaan Alam spoke with Emma Straub about his second novel That Kind of Mother, writing about the 1980s, and wanting to be a prolific author.

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Sloane Crosley talked with Heidi Julavits about Look Alive Out There


Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 | 7,003 views

Heidi Julavits spoked with Sloane Crosley with LOOOK ALIVE OUT THERE

Ten years have passed since Sloane Crosley debuted I Was Told There Would be Cake, her best selling collection of essays. Three years ago she launched her first novel, The Clasp, and last month she was at Greenlight to celebrate her third essay collection, Look Alive Out There. She was joined in conversation by Heidi Julavits.

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Reading Series Census: Words @ Weeksville


Monday, May 14th, 2018 | 4,521 views

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.

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Dogs Being Interviewed as a Mushroom Cloud Consumes Them but not Before Declaring Nobody was Likely Ever Going to Read the Interview Anyway: An Interview with Patrick Carr and Clayton Lamar


Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018 | 5,869 views

Patrick Carr and Clayton Lamar of DogsDoingThings read Tweets in celebration of the anthology Short Circuits: Aphorisms, Fragments, and Literary Anomalies at Powerhouse Archway

Patrick Carr and Clayton Lamar are two creators of the popular Twitter account @dogsdoingthings. The good dogs (and the bad dogs) do what they do in an alternative existence that is remarkably similar to our own, although darker, more melancholy, often desperate, obsessed with mushroom clouds and contemplating the abyss.

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Reading Series Census: Memoir Monday


Monday, April 16th, 2018 | 4,496 views

The New York City Reading Series Census is an ongoing project to catalogue the contemporary literary scene. Any reading series curator in the New York area can take the survey here.

What is the name of the series, and what is the significance or meaning of the series name?
The series is called Memoir Monday. It celebrates memoir and first-person writing and takes place on Mondays.

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Nafkote Tamirat Talks About The Parking Lot Attendant


Monday, April 2nd, 2018 | 4,751 views

Nafkote Tamirat, author of THE PARKING LOT ATTENDANT talks with Sam Graham Felsen

Nafkote Tamirat discusses The Parking Lot Attendant, wanting to be famous, and how Boston is often seen as a white city despite having many diverse communities.

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